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high incidence

Up to 60%

of Brazilians will identify nodules on the thyroid at some point in their lives, according to the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabology²
High number of preventable surgeries

Up to 77%

of indeterminate thyroid nodules (Bethesda III or IV) undergoing surgery are reclassified as benign after surgery¹

Cases with clear surgical need can be customized: Molecular markers can predict a potential for greater or lesser aggressiveness, helping the physician in planning the extent and urgency of the surgery.

Specific solutions

according to the needs of patients

Diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic molecular tests. Know more:

Indeterminate nodule?

Bethesda III or IV

Molecular Classifier for indeterminate nodules

Learn more

Suspicious/malignant nodule?

Bethesda V or VI

Preoperative Prognostic Molecular Panel 

Learn more
1. Thyroid ultrasound

← The first step in the process happens when you get an ultrasound scan of your thyroid.

2. Nodule found

⤣ If a nodule is identified, the doctor may indicate a puncture.

3. Puncture (FNA)

↑ The puncture helps to determine the characteristics of the nodule and define the next steps. This is where our tests come in!

4. Return to the physician

⤤ Having an accurate diagnosis, the physician will be able to indicate the best paths for treatment.

5. Medical follow-up

→ After the procedures, you just have to periodically monitor your thyroid.

Advanced Thyroid Cancer

Familial Medullary Thyroid cancer

Our tests

Get to know the mir-THYpe tests and their indications

mir-THYpe full can avoid diagnostic surgeries by reclassifying indeterminate nodules into “benign” or “malignant”.
INDICATION: Indeterminate Nodules (Bethesda III or IV)

Prognostic molecular markers can predict a more or less aggressive behavior of the thyroid nodule.

It prevents unnecessary surgeries and enables clinical follow-up.

Extension planning and surgical urgency.
Learn more about this test!
mir-THYpe pre-op customizes surgical extent and urgency decision based on prognostic molecular markers (predictors of aggressiveness).
INDICATION: Nodules with surgical decision (Bethesda V or VI)

When the nodule is classified as malignant or in need of surgery, the mir-THYpe pre-op test assists in surgical extension and urgency.

- Prognostic molecular markers can predict a more or less aggressive behavior of the thyroid nodule.
- Nodules with negative prognostic markers may be eligible for minor surgeries (such as partial surgery), which can preserve part of the thyroid function.
Learn more about this test!
Somatic Tumor Panel for Advanced Thyroid Cancer for Targeted Therapy Selection
INDICATIONS: Advanced and/or metastatic thyroid tumors, usually resistant/refractory to radioiodine therapy.

- Indication of Target Therapies available in the Brazilian market.
- Check the possibility of enrolling your patient in free or subsidized molecular testing programs for targeted therapies.
Learn more about this test!
For germline/hereditary investigation of Familial Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma by the RET proto-oncogene.
- Patient diagnosed with Medullary Thyroid Cancer (MTC) for investigation of familial MTC.
- 1st or 2nd degree relatives of patients with MTC who have already identified mutations in the RET proto-oncogene.

- Investigation of 1st and 2nd degree relatives helps in monitoring and/or prophylactic surgical treatment depending on the mutation found.
Learn more about this test!


between mir-THYpe full and mir-THYpe pre-op tests

understand the difference between tests

mir-THYpe full

mir-THYpe pre-op

Diagnostic markers?

Prognostic markers?

Can you avoid surgery?

Personalized surgery?

No new FNA (puncture)?

Bethesda III or IV

mir-THYpe full

for indeterminate nodes
Bethesda V or VI

mir-THYpe pre-op

for nodules with surgical indication
Diagnostic markers?
Prognostic markers?
Can you avoid surgery?
Personalized surgery?
No new FNA (puncture)?
Bethesda III or IV

mir-THYpe full

for indeterminate nodes

Bethesda V or VI

mir-THYpe pre-op

for nodules with surgical indication

Diagnostic markers?
Prognostic markers?
Can you avoid surgery?
Personalized surgery?
No new FNA (puncture)?


simple, fast and practical

Talk to our expert team

Humanized service by specialists in the subject, to serve with quality and help you throughout the process.

Simplified Logistics

Simple, practical and safe logistics.

Brazilian coverage

Coverage throughout all of the Brazilian territory. With the possibility of withdrawal at your patient’s home.


[1] Bongiovanni M, et al. 2012 Acta Cytologica 

[2] Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia (SBEM). https://www.endocrino.org.br/tireoide/